Jumping Mammoth (mammoth.xm)
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Jumping Mammoth by Pikkenix ********************* Don't ask me why this name...... bacause the answer will be, as usual "I don't know". ---------------------- You can find my mod:s on: http://www.algonet.se/ #rensfeld/ Observ that the "#" is a "tilde" or a "wave". If you want to contact me send an E- mail: pikkenix_hotmail.com ---------------------- I want to say hallo to Martin Rex Olof Rensfeld ---------------------- Please don't copy anything from this mod ---------------------- This is my first mod for a long time. And it feels very good to be back again. I think that was all. This will feel very good to write again: I'm Pikkenix, who are you? Some information: It took about 6 hours to finish this mod. Time: 3.46 Instruments: 14 This mod was finished: 14/05 -98 clawz.tom.tom Techno Dedicated to happy rav Out Where The Flutey
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This song is very well made, it has a strong beat, and though the melody is very very repitious, it varies throughout the song and so your never listening to the exact same thing all the way through, One thing that I do really like about this song is the almost military sounding beat, and the title gives you a rather interesting image while listening to it. Some of the samples on this song could of been a little bit better, but even though it still has a very nice sound throughout. The ending of this song is kind of interesting, perhaps the mammoth fell through the ice? The song has a good amount of variance but it pretty much all comes from just using different combinations of instruments and a countermelody, I would of liked to hear more varaince then this gives you, because after listening to it alot you start to get tired of it because it's the same instruments (I'm refurring to listening to this on a loop not just 1 time through)