Star of Darkness - SoM (manastar.s3m)
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Grand Piano [Jase] Strings [Jase] Tubular Bell [T.Uzyn] Snare [TSSF] Short Brass [Waldorf] 2nd flight song from Secret Mana... Original by Squaresoft. Conversion by spanXz. finished 10/6/98 ========================= i really don't care much for recompositions of video game music.. but this song was so good, it was just asking to be remade. and as far as i know it hasn't been done yet. this was quite easy, much more so than trackin an original tune. but i have to say, this wasn't nearly as gratifying as my originals were.anyway, i honestly tried to use my own samples, but they just sucked.. sorry, to those who i ripped from. ======Sample Credits===== 1,2 Jase - JJJ-LOVE.S3M 3 Terha Uzyn - ff7lb2.s3m 4 TSSF - ========================= samples 5 and 6 are from korg x5 and waldorf pulse synthesizers, respectively. downloaded from Soundwave's samples. ========================= email me or i'll die ========================= i'd like to thank whoever made the midi of this song - i have to admit, i used it a lot to track some of the chords. ========================= damn, is there going to be any white space (well, black space, actually) left when i finish this? hope not. info you don't care about (probably): this is my third song. ========================= i have 2 songs sitting on my HD. the first, i don't like enough to upload. the second is this weird, slow one. it's not done yet and i probably won't finish it due to the fact that i can't think of a melodic tune to go with the main strings, and i don't want to ditch the rest of the song. ========================= hola's to Damien Blond and the other hardworking folks (like me :> ) at the modarchive: <plug plug plug!> ========================= a last note. those who have heard this in the actual game will note that at the third part of the song (where the piano repeats 4 notes) is much shorter here than in the original. i thought it was too repetitive.sorry. ========================= original (c) squaresoft 1994 this version (c) spanXz 1998 ======================== damn, i wrote a lot of shit in this song. them peas are bad. bad!
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The music is good to listen to. The start could do with some work as it is a bit unclear but thowards the middle and end it improves drastically and has some very good effects with the chimes. The melody is rather good. The samples work well, especially in the middle of the piece. The samples are well tracked and sound fairly proffessional. At the start I think it is a bit too dark and the melody is a bit too buried in the other parts but it is pretty good from pattern 3 onwards. The texture of the piece is generally goo and the piano sounds very good.