Mood Atrophy (
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M o o d A t r o p h y A n e w t h o u g h t b y L a S o m b r A G r e e t s -/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/| I n s p i r e d b y R o y a l S e f t o n , I I I RS3.Melvyl.Chimera.Mathew.Warder.Anders-Akerheden.MonaLiza.PUNKK.virt.sCir. reduz.Zan.Darkium.TheTourist.LittleElk.Skyline.HomesickAlien.Heynow. #hellven.#music.#sstrax.#traxinspace SRHS Drumline And of course, this song is dedicated to my one and only l o v e T-.-.-.-H-.-.-.-E-.-.-.-R-.-.-.-E-.-.-.-S-.-.-.-A S i n c e r e l y , L a S o m b r A {.0.9.-.0.1.-.0.1.} released thru ----------------- mephtik
Bewp -1 Bewp -2 Bewp -3 Bass Drum -1 Long Snare -1 Short Bass Pad -4 Wider Snare -2 Electronic Bass Drum -2 Slow Decay Synth -1 Cymbal -1 Hihat -1 Closed Bass -1 Short 'n Thumpy Breath -1 Bass Drum -3 Boom + Click Snare -3 Loud + Rim FX -1 Short Perc FX Bass Drum -4 Overdriven Snare -4 Overdriven Hihat -2 Open Clap -1 Overdriven Bass Pad -1 Overdriven Bass Drum -5 Quick Snare -5 short + "yea" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shift F-9 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bass Drum -6 Overdriven 2 Snare -6 Overdriven 2 Clave -1 FX -3 Clang Hit FX -4 Clang Hit Reversed Bass Pad -2 Juicy Tom -1 Reverberated Cymbal -2 Choir pad -1 Slow Decay Hihat -3 Pedal Bass Pad -3 High Cutoff maz maz maz maz kalava Baal.Ceremony bobby clark maz maz maz maz Baal.Ceremony maz xerxes kalava rs3 kalava kalava kalava kalava otm maz !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shift F-9 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kalava kalava dune mygod dune mysavior esem whorocksmebackwards maz ? maz melvyl maz rs3 BASSPA~2.WAV
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