Broken Glass (
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->Broken Glass<- (C) 4.10.03 by LauriT Excuse me for the rather low sound quality of this song, but I simply had to cut down the sample and bit rates to make the file size reasonable. The original work song was about 15 megs in size and I doubt anyone wants that either. Ok, here's something creepy for you this time... This song contains some pretty unique samples made by me. The beat loops are constructed by me in Amen. The vocal samples are recorded live by me (except for those GM standard laughter and scream samples). The cello clip is performed by my friend Lukas Stasewskij. It is quite heavily processed in Soundforge though. Usually I don't mind how you use my samples as long as I'm given the proper credits. This time I'd like to make an exception. Those beats and vocal samples and cello clip are IMO so unique that I don't want anybody else to use them in their compositions. You know, otherwise they wouldn't be unique anymore... Everything else is freely in your disposal though if you find it good enough. Other samples as credited. ***Composed for the November 2003 CMC batch. Hope ya like it!*** Contact:
biitti1 groovy groovy2 KICKDRM2 Drums Drums 33-HI.WAV pad juno tambourine bongos&congas vasket shaker acid Muted Guitar crash strings Rhodes Piano alien beat fiuiu laser gun reverse cymbal swoosh hi swoosh low cluster hi cluster low true pain infernal piano words of pain masturbation bach sex animal ring scream laugh me me me Michiel van Den Bos ultrasnd.dls ultrasnd.dls Peter Hajba Claymore Goth str II v2 same likewise whaddayathink Sampleworld me Sampleworld me me me me me me me Michiel van Den Bos GM.DLS GM.DLS me me Pro-Xex Pro-Xex Pro-Xex Pro-Xex Pro-Xex Pro-Xex Sampleworld Sampleworld me me me me (performed by L. Stasew me GM.DLS GM.DLS (reversed) same as above EMUAPS8.sf2
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