Lucid Dreams (lucid_x.s3m)
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SynthAxe.Lead SynthOrchHit(FIR/Sub-30) CanSnare Snare BassDrum.rave TinyHihat.2 HardTech.HiHatop Muffled Tom HitBass.Zump MetalHit.4 CMin CMaj Sus2 Sus4 CMin-LowGen G#Maj ChipBass Bass.Simplex TechFlange.1 -* TechFlange.2 --* TechFlange.3 ---* TechFlange.4 ----* MetalReso.SMin MetalReso.0B MetalReso.1 MetalReso.2 MetalReso.3 MetalReso.4 L C D D E M LUCID DREAMS U I R A S B : X S R BY: XASER Y A E Ever feel like your'e dreaming and you KNOW you are, so you can control everything you do? I do that sometimes, and this song is a tribute to that feeling of invulnerbility that most of us have had at least once. About the style: Well, we have a little bit of Skaven in all of us, some just have more than others. :P Yo there! :-)
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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