Enemy Stronghold(MFNERPG) (march13.it)
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"(March Against The) Enemy Stronghold" by someone42 - someone42_000_hotmail.com Christopher Chua This file should play correctly in WinAmp, Modplug Tracker, Impulse Tracker and Cubic Player. It is OK to seek through as panning is set every pattern. It is typically a quest to destroy or otherwise undermine an enemy fortress in an RPG. This module depicts a march against such an enemy fortress, showing both sides of the battle. As with all game music, this is looped. This means in WinAmp the music may repeat (and length may be twice as long as necassary). Actually I think this sounds alright repeated, but otherwise the "proper" length is about 2:13.
Orchestra Strings Trumpet bass Orch Snare Drum Concert Bass Drum f FX Metal Pipe French Horn Orchestra Cymbal Timpani m L Timpani m R Solo Trumpet "Enemy Stronghold" someone42 24/11/03 someone42_000_hotmail.com Press SHIFT+F9 (comments) Orchestra Strings G2 Fingered Bass:Finger Orch Snare Drum L Concert Bass Drum f L Trumpet G#3 FX Metal Pipe Concert Bass Drum f R French Horn C5 Orchestra Cymbal Timpani m L Timpani m R Trumpet D#5 Trumpet A5 Trumpet F#6
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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