The //\artian //\an ]I[ (
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_ _ _ _ / / / / / / / / / / / / \ / / / / \ / / / / \ \ / / / / \ \ /_/ /_/ \_\ A R S /_/ /_/ \_\ A N -= P r o u d l y P r e s e n t s =- -= The //\artian //\an ]I[ =- Style: Melodic.Techno.Rave.Mix Duration: 10 min 55 sec Hi! Thanx for downloading my song. I hope you will enjoy it. I know, it is pretty long. But take off 10 min of whatever your doing and listen to it. I think you won't regret it. Since this is kind of a mix, there is a LOT of variation in those 10 min. This is my first release. As you might have noticed, this song is the third in a series. The first two were really to get me familiar with tracking. I have been tracking for about 1 & 1/2 years now, and I feel this song is finally good enough to be released. I worked on it a lot, and I think it turned out pretty well! Who am I? I am a 15 year old who likes music and tracking (obviously). I am Hungarian by nationality, but am currently spending my 4th year in the USA. Anyway, damn schoolwork takes up most of my time, but I still find some time to track on weekends and of course in da summaaa!!!! This song was tested with software mixing, and with hardware mixing on the AWE64 :). (Add some reverb!) I hope it works fine with other soundcards. Thanx go to the group EXPLIZIT (now dying...what a pity) for many of my samples. This song is copyright (c) 1997, Marton Marschall (MarsMan). You may only use this song for personal purposes. You may distrubute this freely over the internet or to your friends, but you may not charge anything for it. Use of this song in any other way than listening to it on the computer for your personal enjoyement MUST BE AUTHORIZED BY ME! I mean it! Please write to me with comments/suggestions or any other issue at -= Greetz/respects fly out to: =- Danika Le Best / my friends Csabika and Gergo whom I introduced to tracking / members of EXPLIZIT / all trackers / The Face on Mars / and YOU! / -= Watch out for //\//\ IV-Ever !!! =- //\9/10/97
_ _ A / / / / / / / / \ / / / / \ \ /_/ /_/ \_\ A R S _ _ / / / / / / / / \ / / / / \ \ /_/ /_/ \_\ A N P r o d u c t i o n ========================= -= M a r s M a n =- Proudly Presents The //\artian //\an ]I[ Style: Melodic.Techno.Rave.Mix Duration: 10 min 55 sec Comments/Suggestions are welcome at Press Shift-F9 Technolead HIHATCL.WAV HIHATOP.WAV Piung1 Piung2 Piung3 Piung4 Piung5 Piung6 Piung7 Reverse Crash The Martian Man Piano Low ZZZiung Piano High Dah Reso.choir.awe32.vienna Heavy Bassdrum Mega Hit Highvolume HIHATPD.WAV Krah Blip 1 Blip 2 Orchestra Hit C3MARMBA.WAV C3SAW-LD.WAV Sawtooth Wave Looped Bass Drum Saw Bass String Wave-synth Popsnare RaveSnare Cheers Crash Cymbal 1 Blip High Claps Scratch Check! 909Openhihat Whew! Fatcutoff Press F4 or Shift-F9 for song info
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Awesome dance track! You should download this if you like this style of music....