Massive Energy (PD) (massnrj.xm)
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massive energy (pizzicato dream) * Andreas Viklund ***************** Ana.wav bdhi unknown string (unknwown) (c) 1998 MAZ Short rev. cymbal (Lagoona) (sampled from "7 days & 1 week") -- crash4.xi -- size: 111 K loop: none type: hihat wet (c) 1998 MAZ Sample-CD: 'no.1 instruments' Synth (Lagoona) Pizzicato (unknown) (c) TbO Shortsy leadblipp (riven)
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
This track has one main theme to it, with a few variations. However, this is acceptable in this kind of music, club tracks dont have to be diverst to be good, and this one is very good. The introduction presents the theme, quiet at first, but gradually increasing volume. Some very nice strings are than added, and soon to follow is the beat. Theres a quiet part in the middle, consiting of the beat and strings we heard in the first part. The track ends in the same way it started, in a fadeout, closing the musical circle, i liked that. A few things i didnt like: between each part theres a transition part, in which all the instrument go silent, and a voice says "This should be played in high volume". What i didnt like is that the silent moment is too long. Also in pattern 38, theres a breakbeat in the percusions preceding the transtion part, the breakbeat is very good, however its ridiculously loud. One more thing, though ending the song in a fadeout was a good idea, the fadeout is way too fast. A more smoother and steady fadeout, spreading upon , i dont know.. 2-4 patterns at least instead of one, would be more appropraite. Very good track as a whole, highly recommended. Very good selection of samples. Though most of them are 8 bit quality, they still sound very good together. The pattern structure is intense and very complicated, suggesting the composer is quite a professional tracker. Much effort was put into this, the artist spared no means to make this song sound good and exciting, though theres only 4 chords repeating themselfs. Also, very good panning settings were used in the song, creating a more profound sound and atmosphere. Technically i have no complaints, except the percusion i noticed before in pattern 38, its really just a redundant mistake.