Dream Sequence I (ly-drm1.xm)
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Composed by Lloyd Yoon for CALGARY! Dreams:...... During a typical night a human experiences many dreams, not just one. Some have a definite end, some mix in with the others. Some are really short, some are really long. Some are fast paced and exciting, some are slow and meaningful. Some are in different times and places. But all dreams have one thing in common: There is nowhere you can't go; so you go every- where you possibly can! If you have any comments (Good or bad) about this song or collection, Email me, Lloyd Yoon, at: Lloyd.Yoon_f40.n134. z1.fidonet.org I hope you like this style of music, I tend to get bored of all typical demo-type music that 90% of composers make. Though I don't know you guys, I send special greets to Necros, Leviathan, and Ryan Cramer just because your music doesn't sound like everyone else's. It's nice to hear something different. Of course, greetz to all Calgary Musicians too: Clem, Steve, Markell,Donovan and others like Tyler, Kit, Mike & Crystal, and Darren. Thanks to Henning Johansen and Techtalk BBS for allow ing all file exchanges between us. Bassd Bigbas Gate Woodsna Hiop.raw Hihattek.raw N-timb.raw Stkrimg3.raw Piccolo Bass French Horn Marimba Piano Orchestra Hit Low Piano Steel Drums 2nd_skav.s3m Vibraphone Voices V-lost.mtm Strings Pizzicato
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