Main Theme (nbz-ibmn.xm)
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The Good StuffSummary
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Hihat 2 Ching Snare Trance Bass Dweep Strings 2 ----------------- ----------------- Invader Boy Main Theme by: NeoBlaze ----------------- ----------------- Contact me: ----------------- Dark Wave Entertainment ----------------- ...and thank you for playing... _1998 to NeoBlaze oh1 Ching Snare Trance Bass TZ: LoopFlute
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The song starts with smooth, scary strings and then a lead melody with untuned sample. This doesn't sound so good, and actually the song gets quite annoying to listen to. The song is under 2 minutes, but that's fine. The song didn't keep my interest for that long. Quality of samples is bad for an XM. Maybe author wanted to keep the size down, or something like that. Some transitions don't work, and sometimes a sample is too loud.