Mayhem (mayhem_x.s3m)
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bigbdrum snare2 hihat bigsnare wow flangebell clapsnare synthlead synthsqueal rtype arcane oww1 oww2 oww3 oww4 staticbell tchord1 tchord2 tchord3 tchord4 snare
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This tune is pretty good, though it has some questionable moments here and there. However, the chord progressions are pretty cool, and the sections of the tune seem to fit pretty well together overall. The samples seem to fit the tune pretty well also. The portas in the main/lead voice at times seem almost out of place, but other times are just cool. The lead also tends to visit a few chord centers that are outside of the established progressions, but it's not really too far out. Interesting sound with this one. Technically, the tune seems pretty straightforward. There's nothing really spectacular about the tracking, but the effects are used well, though I'm still a little iffy on those portamentos. The samples are all 8-bit, but are used pretty well throughout the song. Some loop points could have been chosen better, however. The tune would sound a lot better with some good stereo work; as it stands now, it's pretty static. Overall, it's an interesting tune with a bit of a lo-fi approach.