A Planet Behind Us (ob_apbu.xm)
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====================== A Planet Behind Us by OldBrian ====================== ====================== Time : 4:50 Style : club/trance Date : 24.XII.1999 ====================== ====================== Dedicated to : as usual ====================== ====================== Greets to : AttiS,Cpsynch,Devil, DjKrichee,DjEx,DjHB, DS,Donvich,FuRaCe, Escalator,SySERR, Scharich,Francis Blaid,TH,Szancso, gnc,SilverSky,Judit, KaanGuru=MohiKaan:), BOE,Putyesz,DjSan Tsung,DjJosh,Dave, McWriter,Lov,Ze, Gandi,Louis-GT,etc ====================== ====================== Contact : oldbrian_netposta.net ====================== Samples from : -DjEX -Hungarian sceners -Dutch sceners Shifting Skies A Planet Behind Us All rights reserved by the producer. Copyrighted by ASMS in 2000. OldBrian sample by me OldBrian sample by me OldBrian sample by me OldBrian sample by me OldBrian sample by me OldBrian sample by me
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I've always had problems judging such songs from a musical point of view, since I've never really looked upon this style of music as musical. However, OldBrian shows that he masters this genere of music very well. The song is very monoton, which most songs like this tends to be. Bass, Drums etc. All the usual ingredients are present. OldBrian has managed to create a good drive with the pumping beats (looks like he has put alot of effort into the drumlines). There is also a second part of this song which starts off more quiet and trance-like. Well-balanced chords and some vocals starts off this parts. Then the beat fades in. This part is also very monoton, but it still sounds nice. OldBrian shows that he masters this genere very well. As already mentioned, it looks like he has put alot of effort into making of the drumlines. From a tracking point-of-view this is a very well-performed piece of work, taking in consideration that I don't really fancy this kind of music.