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Ingenious(DpWtr RMX) (md-inrmx.xm)

Info Summary

  • md-inrmx.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 848.47KB in size and has been downloaded 1098 times since Thu 4th Feb 1999 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 49997
  • Downloads: 1098
  • Favourited: 0 times
  • MD5: 9ed5ac95f26209e8de0871003afe7d0e
  • Format: XM
  • Channels: 26
  • Uncompressed Size: 848.47KB
  • Genre: n/a

License License

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Info Internal Texts *

  Get Ur priscope up
    U're listening to:
  (Deep Water Remix)
              - -
  -Original by Caesar-
 -Remix by Mr.Dark of
    MD&G Productions-
First of all I would
like to thank Caesar
for making this really
good tune!I just loved
the original, so I had
to make a remix!
I think the Original
is a little bit better
So if U want to get
it U should go to the
home of Caesar and
download it:


    Track details:

dur8ion- 00.07.10
date- 24.01.99
Speed- Why care!
Style- Trancey BreakB



  Respect & Greets:
Gizmo,DJ Xtreme,
Björn,Loppa,all my
other friends,
the whole Dutch music-
Now I want to tell U a
little story.Once upon
a time there was a
tracker.He tried his
best to make good
quality music.He did
not like the music
himself, but all his
groupfriends really
loved it.One day he
said to his friends:
I'll take a break from
the tracking business!
His friends told him
to keep on,but he made
lesser and lesser trax
He started to play
Playstation and he
joined this group
called "Jens Angels"
(It's not a musicgroup
but a group of loosers
whos brains are
smaller than peanuts)
His groupfriends
wanted to release a
CD, but they wanted
to have some more
"Xtreme" good trax,
so they waited and
waited for his
releases. I think they
are still waiting in
hope that they one
day will hear from
their groupmember
again.They really
want him to keep on
making music.They
need his support!
So U should remember:
Rome was not build
in one day!
That's it, but I hope
that I will be able to
tell U a new chapter
in my next track!

   This track is (c)
  MD&G Productions

Remixed in DarkStudios
Do not play too loud
while grandmothers,
children,pets and
neighbours re in range
     This track is
   dedicated to my
  girlfriend Charlotte

Music is life...
      ...life is music
Hihat Open

Hihat Close

By: Caesar



By: Thunderbass
I Think you are
Sampled from
Tomb Rider II

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
