MY DESTINY-Y3K (mdestin8.xm)
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NRG Records presents : ====================== "MY DESTINY" ====================== Play time : 3min 22seg Version : 8 bit ******************* Made by Y3K >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (C)2000 by Y3K Produced at : NRG Records-CHILE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Another dance track for you !!! ====================== E-MAIL : Thanks.- ==================== Noviembre de 2000 "Hecho en Chile" Wanna rip my samples? Then do it, ha ha !!! ---------------------- ----Y3K is back------- ---------------------- 19/11/2000.- If you wanna remix this song, please mail it to me. Thanks. <<<< ThE EnD >>>> ==================== For more music visit the Internet : TRAXINSPACE.COM O.K?=================
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This is a dance track, therefor it uses a fast and noticable beat line. However, to be a good dance track, more then a fast beat is required, and this track lacks some components. The main theme is rather nice, however the preformance is a bit "dry". The melody, which is quite nice, is played by somekind of a fluet-synth. The artist though could make it sound better with some background strings to amplify the chords. Though in dance tracks, many repetitions are ok and acceptable, this song is too repeative, and gets quite monotonous. The beat line is good, and the basses put on top are quite good as well, creating a solid basis for a dance piece. Not a bad track as a whole, a bit more creativity could make it better. The technical side is very interesting. The artist used some very advanced panning settings, making the song sound really good. Good use of volume control, he created lots of musical peaks which i enjoyed. Also some sound effects were used in the quite complicated patterns structure. All the samples are of a low quality but that goes unnoticed if you dont check them out, besides they sound quite good together.