October Serenade 99 (oct99.xm)
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--- October Serenade Local Version '99 Composed By Spin Dizzy & Chipmunk --- This is the second version of October Serenade. The reason for this is simple. I, Spin Dizzy, gave an outcast of this tune to both pOW & Chipmunk. So they both started their continued version of the song. I think you can hear a big difference between the too versions. If you want the pOW version you can get it at http://surf.to/ spindizzy. ... joeraase_online.no arildla_hotmail.com October Serenade Local Version '99 Composed By Spin Dizzy & Chipmunk joeraase_online.no arildla_hotmail.com
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
This tune is the same throughout the module. It sounds very lazy. I don't mean it's bad, it's just very slow and mellow. And it does kind of sound the same, there are points where it changes. But I think that this is strictly background music. Otherwise, it's just not that fun to listen to. There was a sound effect, and it was good. Although it really didn't fit into the song that well. But other than that the tech stuff was good, except for the fact that the author(s) decided to use 32 channels. This song does not sound like 32 channels, more like 16, or 20. If they really wanted amplification, they could have done that to the samples earlier on in production.