A Medieval Folklore (medfolk.it)
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A Medieval Folklore (July 2003) =============================== By SHattY shatty99_yahoo.com http://www.mp3.com/jagga hello! a very simple melody. just 5 channels and 6 instruments. guess you can work with little and still come up with nice tunes. i just finished writing this tune for my fiance. this is my first tune in one year. i have been writing tracks but scrapping them most of the time. i think my music days have finally come to an end :( anyway, about this song, this is actually a very crafty remix of Vampire Hunter melody from the first anime (fans of the anime would know). it plays when D rides into town and is later attacked by this girl, etc etc. this song also makes use of VST filters on the guitar patterns so i would recommend using Modplug Tracker (not Modplug Player) to play this song. i have composed several other fantasy heavy metal/power metal and gothic metal tracks for my band "Jangli Jaggas". you can listen to them from here: http://www.mp3.com/jagga this song is dedicated to my lovely finace, Maria. take care! i have some more songs ready to go and i would like to upload them at the Modarchive, but my stupid browser keeps resetting itself when i upload a file greater than 1 MB in size. it has been this way for the past 1 and a half years it really sucks! here's wishing every tracker out there all the best! tracking rules, keep tracking alive!
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