Some Space Groove (newgrove.s3m)
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Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 17th Mar 1999
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major sinus mojorquart minor sinhit3 sin2 sin sinhit highsinhit highsinquart metal led1 led2 led3 led4 led5 weouhit highhit deephit justbasedrum hihatclosed hihatopen mutedbasedrum basedrumwithhihat deepsnarerettle snarerettle rettle baserettle deepsinhit
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
The song starts with weird pads playing, but after a while a smooth drum beat comes in with nice synths. The song is quite nice, and it has some good background things going on all the time, which is very interesting. The song could have been made a little more longer, and it would have been more effective. Samples are average quality. The technics used in the song are pretty complicated and clever sounding. The only bad thing is the ending, something could have been done there, it ends too sudden.