oioi.s3m (oioi.s3m)
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The Good StuffSummary
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Juba Juba Juba Juba Hei H KlappetiKlappKlapp Av: Endre TSNARE.SAM Synthesized Tom shaker pizza Example sound, looping ba
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Cute, Happy song. The style changes too much. Very Short. Despite my 'mean' rating, (I do hate being mean) the song has merit. I won't deny that a great many, (If not most) of my mods are deserving of an even lower rating, and it might very well be that this is a "Damn, I'm bored mod..." or a First shot mod...Don't take my rating to heart though, I'm just a teenage bum. I like when the drum, (Some wierd synth tom) gets hardcore and in my face. Other than that, it's just your basic 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' melody with some bass added.