NightTrain by DJ Dafuki !!! (night.s3m)
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I have heard quite a many songs by Dj Dafuki, and I must say that the quality of his songs is pretty jumpy. I mean, sometimes he makes good tunes and some times... not so good tunes. This is not so good tune. Very repetitive and the samples aren't so good either. The song get's very boring. Some good ideas for the leads but they are repeated too much. For what I have listened now, Dj Dafuki somehow manages to pick lousy samples to his songs. If he would have chosen better samples in this one, it would have already increased the overall effect by 25-50%. Also some hi-strings are left looped on the background, I don't know if it is for purpouse, but it sounds bad. Also the composer should have added the tune some more samples that would have varied the theme and made the song more enjoyable to listen to. No one want's to listen the same patterns over and over for 7 minute