Act On Instinct NBT (
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It's all about the imagination and creating something wonderful with the ideas we have. This song seems to have gotten a lot of good response via the internet which I am very thankful for and proud of. Thank you. Get up and DANCE ! Feel the music and Act On Instinct ! Natasha Breanne Thompson This song doesn't seem to play so well in the Modplugin. Dunno ?? IT and Modplug Player play it wonderfully.
Act On Instinct * TeChNoBoT * /~natashabt This excellent Tune created by * TeChNoBoT * MORE1.WAV DX27-20.WAV INSTINCT.WAV MIND1.WAV Dance MUZIK natashabrianne_hotmail. com * TeChNoBoT * Please give credit where it is due Music expands the MIND San Diego CA Natasha Breanne Thompson This Tune created by * TeChNoBoT * Act On InstincT natashabrianne_hotmail. com /~natashabt MORE1.WAV DX27-20.WAV INSTINCT.WAV MIND1.WAV Dance MUZIK * TeChNoBoT * * * * * * * * * * natashabrianne_hotmail. com * * * * * * * * * * * * *
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The only thing that saved this song from geting a score lower than 5.0, was because of the fact that it sounds nice. It started to sound dull after a while, but things got better. It's a matter of opinion if you like this song or not. However, I'd only recommend this one as a dancing tune! The voices were strange. I don't know how they go with the song. They just do, I guess. The other samples were ok. They are almost generic, which is not a good thing.