On My Own (onmyown.xm)
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"On my own" ================= Jens Jansson 98.01.09 ================== TO MUSCH OF Techno, Rave,Trance, on the Net. The odds needed smooothening ================= e-mail: jens_jansson _hotmail.com All comments welcome ================== (c) Copyright 98 JJJ guitarr2 Kombo PianoStr unknown Bass unknown guitarr1 kombo crash unknown basedrm Mellow hhat unknown flutevib unknown Contrabass short.sfil my own
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This starts off nice and gives you a relaxed feeling to this song. It starts off with just the guitar with a nice little beat and then it brings in a backing guitar which brings in the melody. It then builds from there with a soft drum beat. A flute comes in later and then all the instruments fade out in sequence. It keeps a sof tfeeling all the way through... The samples are ok except for the flute which gives a slight rining in the ol' ear. THe guitar sample is a good one of an acoustic but i have to say that if it were to be better, it needs to be much longer. It is a very short song. It also owould be better if it was louder. It's a very quiet song indeed...