The Dreamer (op_dream.xm)
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* The Dreamer * "I have a Dream -Martin luther king" by Opinash (C) 1998 Opinash All rights reserved * Dreamer * Duration 00:04:10 Released 8-25-98 -> This is a deep track, maybe 2 deep ;) Opinash " Opinash" Email ICQ #9706925 Greet's to all friends, contacts & fans!! Without you all i would not be where i am today.. ;) Thx for your support! Perc/Hihat060 Ds0505.wav Dream.wav SMP by Opinash SMP by Opinash SMP by Opinash
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An ok effort for opinash. There's not much to this song though. The deep bass at the start gives you the idea that it's a slow, simple song but its good to just sit down and listen. The main attraction to this song is the main sample which is the one of Martin Luther King saying his line about "I have a dream". The whole song evolves around that sound which it then blends in perfectly... The same really as what i just wrote. It's a very simple song indeed. That sample is a good one and how it's blended into the song i think is great. The only problem is basically the res of it. Not much to melody or bass. Just a simple beat which some sort of piano or something else mixed in there...