Give it 2 me/Opinash (op_g2me.xm)
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* Give it 2 me * by Opinash (C)1998 Opinash of Helltrot Opinash HQ " Opinash" Email ICQ #976925 Note-> I know !! instrum. #1 it's sounds like #&% wave with noice :( But could not find the 16bit/no noice wave :/ Sorry ! ;) Helltrot Music " Helltrot" Email(all of HT) Summer Greet's to-> Cactus,RibinaBJ all the crew at HT Gx2(Gronda) Joko(High Tension) Johnny(Proton) Xenomorph Gizmo The sweet TB ;) Novus(CMC) Zan (Espionage) Zaba Damien blond Dawwe(Duplex) Anders Akerheden Electric. mike and to all the other great friends i have ->YEAH! move 2 it !! -> I just luv' it!! "the underground snd" * Give it 2 me * Duration: 04:16 (C)1998 Opinash * Give it 2 me * Duration: 04:14 Deep style eih :) (C) 1998 Opinash
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
This songs gets right into it from the very start and never loses any action until the end. Very good song to listen to if you're into techno. Has used very good samples and the way it's put together gives it a very good techno feel. Fast moving as well. Listen to it on a big stereo to get a better sound. Same as above really. It would be better though if it were to go for longer. Even a remix would be a good idea for this song. it also would be better if there were some more samples in this song. It is limited by this. Also, it gets very moisy in the middle of the song due to the many samples used at once.