Moov'n-Harmony edit (op_moovn-harmony_edit.xm)
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* Moov'n* < Harmony edit > by Opinash (C) 1998 Opinash All rights reserved * Moov'n * Duration: 00:05:50 Released: 26 may 98 Any comments to my track? Please write to ThanX! :) Please visit " Opinash" If you visit my HQ Please write in my Guestbook! Why make a re-edit? I did it to make it sound better, and yes its my voice *S and...sorry about the file size :) I would like to say thanks to all the great people i know! Famm, friends,Trackers and not at least all the poeple who enjoy listening to my songs. N1.wav SMP by Opinash -- dry_deep.xi -- size: 19 K (c) 1998 MAZ Sample-CD: 'no.1 instruments' the sound.wav (C)1998 Opinash Move.wav (C)1998 Opinash moovn.wav (C)1998 Opinash Join.wav (C) 1998 Opinash Riff.wav Smp By Opinash and.wav (C)1998 Opinash 2beat.wav (C)1998 Opinash Move/rythm.wav (C)1998 Opinash Harmony.wav (C)1998 Opinash Song1.wav (C)1998 Opinash somg2.wav (C)1998 Opinash song3.wav (C)1998 Opinash Song4.wav (C)1998 Opinash
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Can't get much better than this. Get the original (op_moovn.xm) then listen to this. This is one of the best edits i've ever heard. The original was good but using more sounds, it comes out better and then gives the song a good ambient but still keeps the techno/dance side of it... From the original, some of the samples have been replaced with better quality ones which make it sound better from the start, then, the new samples of the guy speaking make it sound much better indeed. The samples used give it a good mix between techno and nice ambient music. Unreal...