Moov'n /Opinash (op_moovn.xm)
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Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 24th Dec 2000
The Good StuffSummary
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Posted by TMA Placeholder Account on Sun 1st Aug 1999, rated 8 / 10.
The music is really cool in this tune. There's not much to a melody but what it lacks there is made up in the mixing of this song. It's mixed really cool and the melody is made up of the actual drum and what sounds like a cross between a flute and a pan-flute... It's great. The samples are unreal in this little but groovy tune. The song has only a few samples but the woman sings about the new sign is cool. The bass drum in the back is really good cause it's not loud but it's mixed in well so that the other stuff comes through. Really cool... Get the Harmony edit of this song. It rocks...
The music is really cool in this tune. There's not much to a melody but what it lacks there is made up in the mixing of this song. It's mixed really cool and the melody is made up of the actual drum and what sounds like a cross between a flute and a pan-flute... It's great. The samples are unreal in this little but groovy tune. The song has only a few samples but the woman sings about the new sign is cool. The bass drum in the back is really good cause it's not loud but it's mixed in well so that the other stuff comes through. Really cool... Get the Harmony edit of this song. It rocks...
Internal Texts *
* Moov'n* by Opinash (C) 1998 Opinash of Helltrot * Moov'n * Duration: 00:04:00 Released: 26 may 98 Any comments to my track? Please write to ThanX! :) Opinash HQ " Opinash" If you visit my HQ Please write in my Guestbook! If you want to contact Helltrot Site down?? If the first link to my site is down !?! Please try this one!! "http://members.xoom .com/Opinash" Greet's to: Cactus And all of HT Bolshoi Nogami GIZMO All of DMF JAM Extension friends and Tracker N1.wav SMP by Opinash Riff.wav Smp By Opinash
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Part of a mix tape I made in the 90s, always makes me think of the M6 late at night.