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Bassdrum Snare Closed Hi-hat Opened Hi-hat Splash Choir Female Oooh Bassdrum FX Bomb Bomb Beat - Hey! Choir Reverse Cymbal Satisfaction [original mix] (Produced by N-Joy) Bassdrum Snare Closed Hi-hat Opened Hi-hat Splash Choir Female Oooh Bassdrum FX Bomb Bomb Beat - Hey! Reverse Cymbal
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A original version of the song below ( This song sounds quite the same overall as the harmony version, just some changes in the songs structure and the synth/piano is removed. This song is also too short, with only 2 minutes. The clear lead is missed in the tune and that drops the rating, because a dance tune without a lead is not so fantastic. Samples are good. No big mistakes in the melodies of the song, maybe because there are no real melodies (I mean like some synth melodies, maybe?). The drumming is nice sounding, a bit originality to the usual boom-hat-clap-hat stuff ;)