Ç ORBiTER Ü Krembo é (orbiter.it)
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╪ O R B i T E R ╪ ▓ Tracked and Composed by Krembo from EMeRGE ▓ ▓ Won the ·1st· place at millennium 97 ▓ ▓ Multi - Channel ▓ Well,this is a realy big surprise for me.i didnt expected to win 1st place at millennium but it happend.i realy loved most of the songs at the multi- channel compo.i know this song is kinda diffrent because i took some .SMP voices from a game,but the song is sounds realy pretty with it.btw... Millennium was realy great even it could be much better if they were invest more in it.it is too bad that only ·one· dude from my group came and left after an hour :( but i had my friends there, so it was kinda fun to be there.now i want to greet to the following people witch they: ·Soul trader·Master card·Screaming angel·Radium·Psychomorphic·Kenzu·T3A· ·Dark spirit·Thor·dj crazy·Sound virus·Night daemon·Orpipop·Terminator!· ·Atomic!·Fizz·Blutz·Mental rage·Night shadow·Hipnotik·Borzom·Egyptorium· ·Aura of death·Riff raff·Firestorm·Snarf·Cracky·Trasher·X rabbit·Oded'd· P.S. X Rabbit - Your piano sample was hit the spot :) C'ya all of you (in Ritual 97'???) °∙·. DreaM is our CreaM .·∙°
ÜÜÜÜ Millennium 1997 ÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ Shift F9 ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ORBiTER ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ 1st place on millennium ÜÜÜÜ Multi - Channel ÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ Krembo ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ 1997 ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ êêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêê A Very very big thank to Psygnosis LTD. for all the .SMP voices from the game NOVASTORM êêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêê .. a message.. All the music thing that i deal with,is just a HOBBY and nothing more! I won't sit on .IT files and try to make an orchestral or ... a rock or "REAL" music on my computer ... and besides , i just a 15 years old. :)
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Very good musicianship here. The song however, begins with this intro bit that builds up and builds up making one think they are about to witness an enormously furious techno song, only to be left hanging when the soft piano starts. Once again the build up begins, and leads into the song. The song itself lacks originality, a common criticism I guess, but nevertheless, is well done for a dance tune. The technical part of this song is very well done. My only criticism is the slowly oscillating note that is used in the beginning of the song to build up an intro, continues throughout the song, giving an effect of some really bad fake wind sound. I find it distracts from the rest of the song, and think it would sound better used only in the intro where it works really well.