Chaos Pease (
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The Good StuffSummary
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? Flute AWESOME Female Voice Awesome 3/2Lifes 2 WALKMAN Congadrum 1 WALKMAN Congadrum 2 WALKMAN Congadrum 3 WALKMAN Congadrum 4 PULSE Bass Drum ? Strings ========================= By Necronomicon A fairly old song = 1998? I was kinda depressed when I made this song so it's a bit weird I would say. Email. ========================= ? finger Bass SKAVEN HitStrings.Lower Warder smp1 Warder smp2 Warder smp3 PULSE Twinkle =========================
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This song successfully produces both a ambient melody and a nice set of background beats. Unfortunately for this song its quiet samples and its lack of a distinctive and catchy progression diminish the musical impact of this song. Overall this song seems less than average in its musical effect. The few elements of musical theory used in this track were well performed however added elements would have improved the effect the song created significantly. Overall this song is lacking about as much as it using now but still manages to convey its intended effect.