Osten (osten.it)
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Osten (Farmyard Lullaby Shepherd Remix) ----------------------------------------- So, here it is, finally... My remix of Jace's legendary tune. :))))))) This one has been done in about a month and a half. I hope you'll have fun listening to this tune as much as I had fun making it. All feedback is welcome: adrijanb_hotmail.com Mega thanx to Jace for making "Farmyard Lullaby" and asking me to remix it. Jace, www.sheep.gov :))))))))))))))))) Mega thanx to Awesome for making "Ancient Stories II", the song that makes my spirit dance every time. :))))))))) The instrument envelope for the Radix flute is taken from that song. Greetings: A98 AceCream Area 51 DNA BeatSource Blasa Clepsidra Crenton D Fast FoZiak HomesickAlien Ivory Jace KeeN Lastfuture Lenny H Libris Malice Minq Nighthawk Nightrealm NiMH Novus Pete Cacmac Pikari Ralesk RawkStah Renx Sergeeo Unknown Source Xonar Zookeeper ... and all other great people in the world. Great thanks to Jace and Minq, for hearing all the previews of the song. Special greetings to [EHC], for organizing a great compo. Ethereal greetings to Awesome, dtk/Reverb, Jogeir Liljedahl, Elwood, Skaven, Purple Motion, Necros, Anonymous... I am sorry for never having exchanged a word with any of you. Your music shaped me musically into what I am. I hope you have great lives, wherever you are, whatever you do. Thank you! Peace be with you. 11.10.2001 Skopje, Macedonia
Klavir Sopran ovca Bas ovca Flejta Bas Armonika Violini Kuche Dozhd Klangovi Tapani Vangelis bas Oboa Piano (Jace) Soprano sheep (Jace) Bass sheep (Jace) Flute (Radix) [ANC2] Fretless Bs. Fretless Bs. Fretless Bs. Fretless Bs. Fretless Bs. Fretless Bs. Accordion Fr Accordion Fr Accordion Fr Tom Bass & Lead Bass & Lead Dog Rain Klinge-klange :))))))) Hi Bongo Low Bongo Mute Hi Conga Open Hi Conga Low Conga Cabasa Bass Drum Tremolo Str Tremolo Str Tremolo Str Tambourine reverb (Zane) Snare reverb Bass & Lead Oboe (Escape Velocity) Splash Cymbal Crash Cymbal 2 Ride Cymbal 1 Open Hihat Closed Hihat Sidestick
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