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"MORE MUSIC" written by: MAD GOD of 2Tired 2Move... Yep, diz time I used one of my guitar-samps for the leadvoice However, I hope, you enjoy it like you enjoyed all the others of my exciting,amazing compositions.... (Whoa...stink in here) . . \_/ /-\ But know first the greets to all I've stolen a few samples from and additional greetz to: -The M. -Stony Elk -Katha -puking-his-lung-out- Avenger :)) -dA Hool 1Live-team und an alle, die kein Englisch können (Old Brinkmann) (c) 20.05.1998 ______________ !!!That'S iT!!! Pa03c-3a.wav Pa32c-4a.wav Sy62c-4a.wav Sampled by: Khyron / Kosmic lizardking.e-wave K303.Trance.Pad Fx03c-3a.wav Fx13c-2a.wav Kurzweil K2000 AWE32 K3O3.awex.sbass sine wave (low) -pn Bdrum063.wav Clap-010.wav Cymbl009.wav Dloop021.wav Hhcl-004.wav Hhop-005.wav Drum_023.wav Snare080.wav Snare011.wav heyaeheya Robot.wav
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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