When Children Fly (mg_wcf.xm)
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This is "When Children fly" released on Thursday 05-18-2000 composed by MAD GOD a proud member of 2Tired 2Move go.to/2Tired2Move Finally after a lot of interceptions I was able to finish this piece I started to create about 6 weeks ago. It had never taken me such a long time to complete a track. But meanwhile this time several things happened: I moved to Bonn and am studying chemistry there now. And this job is a hell of work, I can tell ya. I think I could have been putting new ideas together on and on. But I think 8 Minutes of continous music is enough (for now). Perhaps I will go on another time. For now you can call this one RELEASED. Anyhow. Please feel free to distribute my music but don't change it. Give me the credits. Some of the samples have been taken from several mods and other componists like azo, purple motion, nightbeat etc... Feel free to contact me via e-mail: madgod_uni-bonn.de jan.streuff_myokay.net visit www.modarchive.com or www.traxinspace.com for other songs made by me... Greetings fly out this time to: -The M. -Jan Hofmann -Gargoyle (The first one who gave me any comment on my music except the reviews I get :-)))) -Ghidorah, Stary and the rest of the modarchive crew -Nightbeat (keep on goin'. I like your music) Und noch einen ganz fetten Gruss an all die Leute, die mit mir 99 Abi in WERMELSKIRCHEN City gemacht haben. War ne coole Zeit. Wenn ihr wollt könnt ihr euch den Stuss weiter unten auch noch durchlesen... Dieses Stueck ist all den Freunden gewidmet die ich bis jetyt im laufe meines Lebens kennengelernt habe fuer die ich aber kaum die Zeit hatte um mal anzurufen oder zu mailen. Das sind: -meine alte Jahrgangs- stufe -Meine mitdienenden und leidenden Neu- brandenburger Kollegen -Alle Leute der SDH -Alle Jugendferienwerk mitfahrende -Die Neusser Mädels -alle die mich sonst noch kennen Das reicht. Das ist eh schon halb Deutschland :-) Cya, Mad God Ba35c-4a.wav Sampled by: Khyron / Kosmic Bdrum012.wav Bdrum047.wav Alesis DM5 Clap-001.wav Purple Motion's HD Hhcl-005.wav Hhcl-009.wav Hhop-005.wav jazz.pm.filter1 jazz.pm.filter2 jazz.pm.filter3 jazz.pm.filter4 Kurzweil K2000 Snare011.wav To03c-7a.wav [lead] violin [lead] violin [lead] violin [lead] violin [lead] violin [lead] violin [lead] violin [lead] violin [lead] violin (Nightbeat) Cymbl012.wav Muesst ihr aber wirklich nicht!!!
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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