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Erst anhören, dann abschalten! Diz is "Wir sind hier um zu leben" by MAD GOD of 2Tired 2Move written 26.10.1997 please don't touch this file, because it's gonna make a big career! See ya later. Players authorized for playback: -ModPlug Player -XTC-Player and of course our favorite tracker (the ruling one) --> Fasttracker II V 2.08 P.S.: Bei dieser Version habe ich el Kastrate heraus- hängen lassen, da sich The M. mal wieder ueber meinen abgrundtief schlechten Gesang geäuBert hat! (Autschi!) Entwarnung an alle weiblichen Fans: "Ich bin voll... ...FUNKTIONSTUECHTIG" -Mad God :-) Tja, Tee-Kay! Nix mit Bahndamm-Mucke Eins-Live hört der Mensch! Eins live macht hörig! :-) Solltest Du auch mal tun! Besonders Sonntags von 20-22 Uhr Bald gibt's da 'ne !!!UEBERRASCHUNG!!! Breathe.smp SoNIC Hhop-011.smp Hhcl-003.smp Hhop-001.smp Cymbl012.smp S 11.smp Clap-001.smp Cosmic1.smp Cosmic2.smp Pa30c-4a.smp
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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