Wonderworld (mhk.s3m)
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Yakra's Harp pingbell.smp (no header) Organ Panflute Hihat Closed Hihat Open Timpani Cymbal Bass Drum Snare
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A nice piece, with a mysterious atmosphere. It starts with a broken harp chords and a quiet string. A nice melody is then added, which sadly is too quiet, making it hard to enjoy. The broken chords remains throughout the whole piece with some new and surprising changes in the melody. Then, the artist just playes the whole thing one more time, only this time with some percusions, which are not that great or notable, so it gets boring in the second cycle. Another major drawback of this track, is that some samples are just too quiet (the flute), and the other leyers of the song just clouds what should have been the melody. Overall, its just a bit more than average, but the theme is lovely so you might want to check it out. Not much can be put here. The samples are preety bad, all are 8 bit quality. Some of them are slitely out of tune, but just slitely , hardly noticable. Pattern structure is quite simple, nothing spectacular, and the pattern arrangment is too, not very advanced with some patterns repeating themslefs. The artist used some temp and volume effects, in a proper way, making the song more interesting, but neglected the lead samples, so you can barely hear the melody. Still, a fine track, with a good idea behind it.