Going Away (midwest.xm)
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Made by Karlson Crash5 Crash6 Kick Drum Hithat Hithat CymbalRide Tight Snare Accoustic Bass 4 Strings1 Metal Lead? Accoustic 10 Accoustic 9 EBass Hi Cymbals (Nrml, Rev) Opiano Composed by:- Adrian Heathcote Ady_Heathcote.demon. co.uk http://www.heathcote. demon.co.uk Krow.Guit-mut. Sample: Ed Vega Ed.Vega_Dark. tor250.org Necrophobic.Guitmut2. Sample: Ed Vega Ed.Vega_Dark. tor250.org Krow.Pwrchrd2. Sample: Ed Vega Ed.Vega_Dark. tor250.org Necrophobic.Pwrchrd3. Sample: Ed Vega Ed.Vega_Dark. tor250.org Sample Unknown Guitar Pluck Sample: Public Domain ??.E-bas-lo. Sample: Ed Vega Ed.Vega_Dark. tor250.org Drumhit.smp Sample: Public Domain Pariah.Crash5. Sample: Ed Vega Ed.Vega_Dark. tor250.org Pariah.Crash6. Sample: Ed Vega Ed.Vega_Dark. tor250.org Pariah.005. Sample: Ed Vega Ed.Vega_Dark. tor250.org Pariah.Hh-cls-5. Sample: Ed Vega Ed.Vega_Dark. tor250.org Pariah.050. Sample: Ed Vega Ed.Vega_Dark. tor250.org Pariah.Ridecymb. Sample: Ed Vega Ed.Vega_Dark. tor250.org Pariah.016. Sample: Ed Vega Ed.Vega_Dark. tor250.org Trom9.smp Acc4.smp Sample: Walkabout Music Sample Unknown Metlead.smp Sample: Public Domain Acoust10.smp Sample: Walkabout Music Acoust9.smp Sample: Walkabout Music ??.E-bas-hi. Sample: Ed Vega Ed.Vega_Dark. tor250.org crash normal crash backw Sample Unknown Opiano.smp Sample Unknown
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Classification: Demo Style Musical Rating: OK/Amateur This is a demo style song that screams retrospective and yet seems original. When I turned it on, I though "Wow! This seems cool!". I was soon to be disappointed. The rhytm in this track is not just a little bit off and the timing of several instruments are poor. The melody could be really cool with all the effects but it turns out just weird due to the mistiming. A track in demo style that could be really, really good but the artist failed to make it so. Some parts of the track are quite interesting, though. The gargling background sounds and the drums are quite professionally done. And the later patterns are OK to listen to. Technical Rating: Good/Amateur The technical side is not too uninteresting. Lots of volume slides and volume sets are being used. It's a shame that there are no echoes or panning effects being used to add to the depth. Some tone portamento and Midi Macros would had added to it all a bit. The songs loops pretty naturally. When it comes to samples, there are only two 16-bit samples. Usually 8-bit samples does not bring down the score but if the lead instruments, like the harpsichord, had been of higher quality it would had improved the sound slightly. An echo could had done a great improvement otherwise. I am not too sure if all samples listed were in use, possibly wasting space. To summarize things: A very good idea performed poorly. Work on your tracking skills. A tips to the author, add song information in the sample section, too. //Eagle