Chain Reaction (mir-cr.xm)
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. miraculum . chain reaction . playtime: 6 . 3 1 speed: 3 BPM: 140 . written by outsider and ionvies . _miraculum multimedia _2001 . we want to say a big thanx for all the people who supporting us. here are they: . AAUXTA CLAUS DJ COX DJ GILLESPIE DJ TERLEZZI ENIGMATIC STATEMENT FIELDS GIOVANNI HYPERGRIP LENNY H MANSOOJ NIGHTRAVER PATOSZ PSYCHIC MIND RENE SKUNK BOMB T-TRACKER THE JAFFE THIGco TRANCE-X . . Maybe it`s our last track in XM format... Coz we`ll try to make some more pro music and it needs the MP3. . :-((( but it`s just the future... the present is here:chain reaction . bye . oh before i forget: use fasttracker or modplug player for playing... .
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