Mist In The Grove 2 (mist_in_the_grove_2.xm)
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"Mist In The Grove - part 2" - by Cooth finished: 9.11.2002 About two years ago (I don't remember exactly) I tracked a song and entitled it "Mist In The Grove". Two years ago I was still quite a newbie in tracking, even though I had had some practice. =) This song is a kind of sequel to that song, kept in a similar mood, maybe I managed to put more emotion in it, I dunno - You evaluate. ;). I used a similar set of instruments, but I believe this song is somewhat better that the previews Mist. :) Hope you ppl enjoy the track at least a bit... Greetings to: * Gargoyle * Dj-distance * Risto Suomela * Samppa Saarinen * XnmE * Ivory * IceFront ...and all of you who are listening to the song, and other people who aren't listening to it, but like the tracker scene. =)
Mist In The Grove part 2 by Cooth finished in November 2002 Synth Strings Synth Strings Acbd4.wav Acsd2.wav Acclhh.wav Finger~1.wav Oboe D#3 Oboe F#3 Oboe C4 by Bigyo Oboe D4 Oboe E4 Oboe F#4 Oboe A4 Oboe C5 X797126x.smp Ace1.wav Per-cr~1.wav Shtcres2.wav Tubular Bells
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Certainly has to be a new-age ballad piece this (almost slighly leaning towards Christian rock). To me, it is reminiscent of restaurant music. I'm my opinion it's not very interesting to listen to but it has subtle atmospheric texture and is very pleasant overall. I'm not a big fan of the flute sound though.