Mistral bounds... (mistral.xm)
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bY: pOW fINISHED: 25.08.98 dURATION: 05.22 <- * ||| * -> gREETINGS tO aLL mY fRIENDS iN tHE sCENE!! zANY, sPIN dIZZY, jTR, mELMOTH, tFT! ..++.. aLL mEMBERS oF * pOISE rECORDS * * eXPOSURE * pS!! mOST oF tHE sMP'S cOME fROM a !cUBE-mOD, aND tHE rEST fROM mE! eNJOY! :) iF yOU wISH tO gET iN tOUCH wITH mE: tskaara_online.no home.sol.no/'tskara - pOW 1998 - yOU wON'T fIND aNYTHING hERE ;)
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
This is pure professional work,everything here sounds awesome. excellent use of strings,effects,echo,synth bassline with african drums make this track sound very clean and relexing.. the melody here is so beautiful,the artist must have worked on it for a lot of time. the track is very original,I don't think I ever heard anything like this. its really high-level of music. download it NOW! Nothing sounds out of place here,everything here is perfect. the artist used excellent fantasy style samples,most of them are 8-bit but that doesn't change the track's quality-sound (!) the reason I give the track 9.5 and not 10 is bcuz there are no big surprises on the track,it doesn't chnge a lot through the song,but I guess this just makes the track more relexing.