- "A Mouth Full !" - (mouthful.xm)
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M.P. PRODUCTIONS Proudly Presents: ====================== - "A Mouth Full !" - ====================== Re-Make by: Marty Pickering ----------><---------- This is a remix of the song: "LargeMouth" made by: WiG ----------><---------- - All the sounds you hear in this song are pitched and looped vocal samples! - ---------------------- I would like to thank Sammi Salomaa from WiG for allowing me the honor of re-making his wonderful song! I have left most of his original melodies untouched, as they were near perfect as he tracked them. =o) ---------------------- Marty's E-Mail: *********** marty_traxinspace.com or MPicker263_aol.com M.P. Productions Web: ***************** http://mp-productions. home.ml.org ---------------------- Sammi's E-Mail: ************ sammis_writeme.com or wig_kolsyra.mer.nu The WiG Web Site: ************** http://come.to/mods ---------------------- If you are interested in the original song, please contact WiG, or you may download it from Trax In Space at: www.traxinspace.com ---------------------- Finished on - 9/19/98 Greets: Tiffen & Kim Pickering Zola, Mysterium, Solo, Gronda, CliveR, DRaven Olga Krishenko, TiLT, Distortion, Cyclone, vexion, ct77, Cloakboy HuSezIMDed, Awesome, Vincent Voois, roncli, WiG, and any others that I may have missed ---------------------- I would also like to thank: "Trax In Space" "The MOD Archive" "Chad Twedt's Top 10" and any others who distribute my music. ********************** * W.M.C.S.P. * * Communications * ********************** MP Voice MP Voice Wig Voice Wig Voice Wig Voice Wig Voice Wig Voice Wig Voice Wig Voice Wig Voice Wig Voice MP Voice MP Voice MP Voice MP Finger Snap MP Voice MP Voice
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Though this isn't so groundbreaking as his, according to me, best song "Shut your mouth", he still shows alot of potential while doing it. As it is made with only voices, it's a really masterpiece - couldn't really believe it before I checked the samples-section. The melody is pretty cool, but it's abit uninteresting after some minutes.. so therefor a 7 here. It is only voices. Used in a magnificant way, cannot really understand how the hell he managed to do all this. It's pretty impressive.