Freinds are All (mrgall.xm)
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The Good StuffSummary
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-=[SoF]MrGamer=- -^ Andreas Rohdin ^- Moll Rev3.16 TubularBells TenseSawBass9 FluteLikeSound SynVoice NightSweep "We all need freinds" "Without freinds" "We are nothing" Undefined Tubular Bells CoolSynth Chrash Orchestra.hit1 808close.xi Perco RevCym Dream Guitar 1 Hig hat SillyBassDrum GoodSnare UnknownMetalSound1 Dur Moll Pianolike Sound WindSweep ExplotionBassSynth ReverberatedQuire7 Med FX Sweep Sound2 Echoing Sweep Dur Tubel5.Xi Lbass9.xi Ahhh.wav Weallne.wav Without.wav Wernoth.wav Udda22.xi Tubel3.Xi odd42.xi OrchHit1.Xi -- 808close.xi -- size: 8 K loop: none type: hihat (c) 1998 MAZ Sample-CD: 'no.1 instruments' undef1.Xi RevCh0.Xi Dream Guitar 1 Snare2.Xi MetalSo1.Xi Windswe7.Xi Hit12.Xi Quire7.xi SWEEP4.WAV WindSwe6.Xi
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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