Housing The Dance (mrghuo.xm)
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-=[SoF]MrGamer=- -^ Andreas Rohdin ^- Awe-9000.pat Awe-9018.pat BassDrum SweepCutoff CrapClap HiClos3 KORG X5 Analog Pad Snare Sharp House Bass TranceBass CubiCron st-43:night-psbchords GoodChrash Cut Sinus Piano(multi) GoodChoir HighSynth CoolSweep ShortBass7 Bass Orchestra.hit2 Piano Chord0 Piano Chord1 Piano Chord2 Piano Chord3 Disted Guitar Mini Snare Housing One of my finest work! Its more like several different tunes in one. But i'll call it "Housing The Dance" Anyway... hell, what a corny name! Mr_Gamer_HotMail.Com Dedicated to one of my good friends: Anna Whom i love... Why can't Anna love ME the way i love HER? AARRGH! Can it be so? am i insane? or does she really like me? -> The other day she said per mail she is always nervous when talking to me. It just MIGHT be because she is a bit frightened... Cuz, you know i am NOT small! 1,88 Cm Tall -> Wheighing at 92 kilos. And belive me: I am NOT fat! :) Ahh, fuck it... Mail Me About it! Mr Gamer _ 7th july 2002 HHOD2 Downsampled ST7T0S Downsampled BT3A0D Downsampled DR55RI Downsampled Sweep23.Xi Cut And X-Faded Looped Andd Cut Kx5anapd.wav String23.Xi Modified Modified By Mr Gamer st-43:night-psbchords Modified By Mr Gamer CHOIR13.WAV Cut And X-Faded udda23.xi Metswe12.Xi Cut Short7.xi Lbass45.Xi OrchHit2.Xi Andreas.wav Thats me again! (Cool Edit 2000)
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