PLUS. by anarky (PLUS.XM)
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The Good StuffSummary
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- Deluxe piano - Clear choir - Halldrum 3 - Jingly hihat - PPL tamborin - Loud snare - Synthetic flute - Korgx3.fantasia - Jugi.lead 1 - Loud bang - Smashing snare - Basssynth 1 - Telephone tones - Reverse cymbal - Telephone breep - Low tom patch - PP3 Cymbal crash - Hat rim Quite some ripped samples here....hmmm.. Info & Hellos can be found in PLUS.TXT People Laughing Under Seaweed . (c) 1995 aNARKY/TKB Made during 15/16 dec. + one week of 'tuning' octave 1 octave 2 octave 3 octave 4 octave 5 octave 6 Samples by Romeo Knight 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x # 036.osm
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The lack of bass in the opening phrases ofthis track really lost me. The melody is pretty, and works extremely well with the strings and gorgeous harmonies playing out. The bass appears quite late, and is barely audible. Also, after the initial minute and a half, notes start being missed. The artist needs to incorporate a bassline into the track to help carry it. The track is nothing without it. Also, dynamics are very poorly done. Pay more attention to keeping things in mix. Also, there are fifty or sixty missed notes in this track. Pick a key signature and stick with it.