The Last minute (mrglast.xm)
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* By Mr Gamer Of RT * -=(Andreas Rodhin)=- KewlMetalBass SynthAxe14 CoolBassDrum CoolHihat CoolClapSnare LoopedChrash Sweep12 Good(rev)Crash HiOP SweepBassString11 HighString13 ReverbBass18 Flute24 ReverberatedQuire7 MobyPiano TenseReverbBass16 CoolMoog5 CoolbassySweep28 Wind.Echo StrangeWind.hollow Quire7.xi Short22.xi Saxe14.xi Sweep12.xi Mixed By Mr Gamer Rev + Echo String11.xi String13.xi Lbass18.xi Flute24.xi Quire7.xi Lbas16.xi moog5.xi Lbass28.xi (c) 1998 MAZ Sample-CD: 'no.1 instruments'
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Well Im not sure if the last minute was meant to be a reference of how long the song itself is, but I like it. Are there any problems with this song? In a word, yes. However, none of those problems are with the musical portions of it. Its mainly with the entire song itself. It sounds and feels like an intro to something that never happens, which is a shame really, because it would be one awesome song intro if something happened. To tell the truth, I set the song on infinite repeat and it took the third repetition to realize that it had gone three different times. The best way I can describe this experience is waiting up for a climax that refuses for one reason or another to happen. In many cases this can be a good thing, but for this song it just doesnt work as well in practice as it should. Technically, the samples arent bad. One case that stands out though is the cymbal thing that the author mixed. I really liked that. However, in your instrument sample, I think that a snare with a little more reverb would work a lot better in this song. Personal preference only of course, but I think that its something that you might want to explore. Other than that effects used are limited to volume slides