Heavy Brain (3:23) (qp3k0001.it)
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The Good StuffSummary
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Andrzej Kupczyk '01 E-MAIL: qp3k_poczta.fm HTTP://qp3k.rockmetal.pl *** W IT bawie sie od ok. 1996 roku. Od tamtego czasu zbieram gotowe sample, utwory innych osob. Ostatnio nawet sam zaczalem robic probki dzwiekowe, z czego jestem b. dumny. Niestety mialem maly wypadek i caly dorobek mojego zycia, wszystkie moje kompozycje, sample, programy poszly sie ciupciac. Zaczynam wiec wszystko od nowa. To pierwszy utwor, ktory zrobilem po dluzszej przerwie. Napisz, co myslisz o tym kawalku lub chociaz czy go slyszalem. Wysylam to na ModArchive, wiec jestem ciekaw ile osob tego poslucha. A noz sie jakis amerykanin-poliglota znajdzie... Po co ja to wlasciwie pisze. Caly dzien to kurde robilem. Milego.
Beben basowy3 Werbel3 Werbel4 Tom1 Tom2 Tom3 Tom4 Tom5 HiHat (z)4 HiHat (o)5 Ride1 Ride2 Ride3 Crash1 Crash2 China3 Reverse Crash Cymbal Klawesyn?2 Klawesyn?3 Dzwon1 Dzwonki2 CowBell3 bas1 bas11 bas12 elek2 elek4 elek5 elek6 elek8 elek9 elek10 Feedback 1 Pianino Flet ///PERKUSJA Beben basowy Werbel Tom1 Tom2 Tom3 Tom4 Tom5 Tom6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Andrzej Kupczyk '01 E-MAIL: qp3k_poczta.fm HTTP://qp3k.rockmetal.pl ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HiHat (z) HiHat (o) Ride1 Ride2 Ride3 Crash1 Crash2 China Reverse Crash3 Klawesyn?1 Klawesyn?2 Dzwon Dzwonki CowBell ///GIT.BASOWA Git.basowa1 Git.basowa2 Git.basowa3 ///GIT.ELEK. Git.elek.1 Git.elek.2 Git.elek.3 Git.elek.4 Git.elek.5 Git.elek.6 Git.elek.7 Git.elek.8 Git.elek.9 Git.elek.10 ///INNE Flet
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
The music is all pretty good with this one, but it doesn't seem like the melody really stays in character with the rest of the piece. Throughout most of it, the vibrato is really too wide; it would be great if the vibrato were varied somewhat (the speed), and if it weren't quite so wide (it strays too far either side of the given pitch, as it is). The drumwork is pretty good in this tune, it seems to fit the overall style and idea of the tune. Technically, the tune is pretty basic. The tracking makes use of occasional effects, though they are handled well. The samples sound pretty good, even the guitars (which are hard to sample well) - however, most could definately use better loop points. The tune seems to be laid out well enough, but it seems to suffer from a non-characteristic melody with too much (or too wide) vibrato.