Phase III (p3.xm)
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Phase III by Num ---------------------- I found all the samplz in one of my smp's libraries, made by unknown authors (but for some I can't remember the name) and I thank them for their GREAT job ! I'm not a good composr this, is just a module I find nice, so, hope you like it ! - Num e-mail : I want to dedicate this to my best friend Valerie rythm5.smp rythm2.smp effect1.smp acid.smp 909bd3.wav strings1.wav fusion.smp hc_???.wav acidbas1.smp snare acidbas3.smp acidbas4.smp
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The intro is a bit long, and percussion heavy as is the style of this genre. The short synth work in the mid ranges is rather good, if not a bit simple. I'm impressed with the artists string work, thought it does appear that they looped things a but much. The strings, at one point, begin an ascention, and should carry that ascention to the next order, but it is dropped, as the pattern is merely repeatd. It's the little things like this that can be easily corrected to make the track sound more professional. Overall, not a bad effort in the least, from an artist who has quite a bit of potential. This is where the track lacked. The percussion was flat loops, and the sample quality was not all it needed to be. The artist used few effects, and very little sample modulation to achieve realism or fullness of sound. I would suggest a few new samples, less loops, more variation in the percussion line, and some simple vibrato for the future. The panning, however, was very nice. Again, not a bad effort though.