Patrick Sachek - BelaTechn (
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Patrick Sachek - Reason + modplug tracker = this compo (size 360Kb) All samples made in Reason or ReBirth BBBBB EEEEEEE ll aaa rrrrrrr uu uu ssssssss B BB EE ll aa aa rr rr uu uu ss BBBBBB EEEE ll aa aa rrrrrrr uu uu ssssssss B BB EE ll aaaaaaaaa rr rr uu uu ss BBBBBB EEEEEEE lllllll aa aa rr rr uuuuu ssssssss Belarusian techno lives.
tb3031 subbass subseq subtrancereverb baasa3 baasa2 baasa3 boom tom1 tom2 SubBassl men with little hats 1 bea we003101
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This tune is at times fairly hypnotic. the artist classifies it as "Belarusian techno", a genre which I've never heard of. Musically the track is nothing more than layers of repeating synth basslines which is typical of much techno, and helps to add to the hypnotic effect. Some of it sounds very good, but the spell is broken a number of times during the tune with the addition of some repetitive, synth stabs that are far too loud. The artist certainly has a grasp of this type of music, and knows how to weild a tracker decently. While the overall sound quality of this track is quite good it really is let down by a number of instances which repeat quite frequently throughout it's duration, cheif of these the problem with repetition in the major basslines, which are also a tad loud. If you like techno then this might be worth a look, it's not bad, but it's not at the top of it's range either.