A Heart of stone (pab_ston.xm)
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A Heart of Stone ---------------------- By : Dj P.A.B ******************* _ MoonShine Studios ****************** Mail me at pirre_bro_hotmail.com
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The intro to this track is really weird, but I like it. Not just a little bit, either, a lot. This has to be one of the most interesting intros I've heard in quite some time. The song then takes a turn for the worse with a bad modulation, and carries the unneded pitch modulation through the track. Aside from the bad modulating, the track drives fairly well, and offers the listener a definite groove. The song lacks substance in most areas, though the bassline comes up with a couple of cool changes in the latter portion of the track. The echo is really nice, and gives the track a faraway sound. The modulation, to be honest, doesn't fit at all. The song is anticlimactic in the beginning, and seems to end rather abruptly, though it isn't too bad overall.