Pacific Waters (pacific.s3m)
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Pacific Waters By: Cam Smith Special Thanks to: Damien Blond Others by me: Kickn.s3m Distant.s3m FullMoon.s3m Mdance.s3m MystWin.s3m Banjo.s3m Jungle.s3m Pacific.s3m Arabian.s3m Island.s3m Dc25th.s3m Cam Smith 1995
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There's some weak samples throughout this track, which makes it seem a little light in several areas. The bassline is simple enough, allmost to a fault, and doesn't offer much to build on. This track seems separated for the most part, as a combination of several ideas, not quite put together in the best order. However, the track is very pretty, despite its shortcomings, and offers a feeling of relaxation with samples from the ocean, and light synth countermelodies. Overall, this track is not too bad, but really could use some detail work. The wave samples add a lot to the track, but the bass almost takes it entirely away. The samples aren't mixed properly in several occasions, which stand out far too much. There's a couple of percussive hits that seem to come from nowhere, and should probably be lengthened and toned down to fit better.