panic disorder (panicd.xm)
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The Good StuffSummary
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smirk/damage '01 all you with this f*cking sickness.. listen to the last part and think positively! this tune is made very fast, 10 minutes after panic attack.
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The artist that wrote this piece has managed to create a fairly original, spasmodic and unsettling piece of music, it's obviously an experimental piece, as it doesn't follow any conventional genre elements. The track contains an unsettling synth-string sequence throughout, but at times everything will just stop for half a second before resuming. I realise that the artist has done this to remain true to a "panic disorder" to which the song was based on, but it is annoying for a listener, to have the track suddenly just stop. Apart from this gripe, the track is rather short, not too short really, but shorter than average - and the ending is dissatisfying. The artist shows good tracking skills, the song is admittedly a 'quick piece' tracked in a rush, but nonetheless an interesting one. The first half is darker than the second imo, which contradicts the artist's comments - but hey, thats my opinion, I think the second half was too light-hearted, too bouncy for such a dark sounding song, and it ends as if the piece is unfinished - is it?