rorriM ehT dniheB (mtb.xm)
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· ······┐ · rorriM ehT dniheB · · · degnarra dna desopmoc ·■■■■■■· yb ·■■■■■■■· htawraK érdnÆ (AKA) 6991 rebmetpeS ot ylf sgniteerg etyBTneB ,ZAM ralukO ,sakraF ehT nortadorP ,KM ym ot tisiv a yap :egap DOM ztinmehc-ut.www//:ptth aka~/ed. eldnah t'nac niW4doM fo stceffe eht lla esaelp ... gnos siht reyalP cibuC eht esu
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Mysterious beginning, followed by a rythmic and melodic part. Most of the samples fit and sound good together, though some drum samples stand out too much.Getting a bit boring and repeative in the last 2 minutes. The track ends in a global fadeout which actually seems to be the best possible ending. It has a very good sound to it, however a little more diversity could improve it. Most samples are of 8 bit quality, but most of them sound very good. Many sound effects were used in the right manner, compensating the samples quality. Pattern structure is quite complex, and well arranged. A bit more attention on the musical side could make this an excellent track.