Pankh (Feather) (
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Nripen Chandra im not a pro just used my free time, did what i could and i saw different peoples songs and how they tracked
Flute perc.cleansnare.farmer vox.soft.farmer bass.electric.farmer Percussion Osterm Bass acoustic2 acoustic dxpiano Piano1 perc.highsnare.farmer HHC8VRB HHO7VRB Heart Beat BD13VRB DIGOC4 DIGOG3 Thunder Laser Choir Aahs 2 OrchestraHit Pan Flute Syn.Calliope Snare Drum Flute ECHOSN.WAV V OOOH.ITS S S TH2005.IT M Osterm Bass Dxpiano.sam Harp BIGSNARE.ITS YNTH1.ITS S Heart Beat Digo Piano C4 Digo Piano G3 hunder Laser.sam Choir Aahs 2 Choir Aahs 2 rchestraHit an Flute an Flute yn.Calliope yn.Calliope yn.Calliope Snare Drum
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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